WIFI based dispensers
Research Customer stories

Impact of WiFi-based dispensers on compliance

OPHARDT Hygiene Monitoring System® used in a comprehensive behavioural hygiene study

Do WiFi-based hand hygiene dispensers improve hand hygiene behaviour in clinical environment? This question was answered in a research programme over the period of a few months at the University Hospital of Aachen. The focal point of this research program was the: OPHARDT Hygiene Monitoring System®.

The ingo-man plus e-pro dispenser systems, an essential part of the OPHARDT Hygiene Monitoring System, measure and collect data continually and automatically. Those responsible for hygiene issues are able to access the data on hand hygiene behaviour at any given time. Targeted and timely feedback for hospital employees is ensured and resources saved.

Hand hygiene feedback plays a key role in infection prevention

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO) up to 50% of all hospital infections could be avoided with improved hand hygiene. Permanent availability and feedback of valid data concerning hand hygiene plays a key role and this can be easily provided using a reliable electronic monitoring system.

Research shows positive effects on the quality of hand hygiene

The OPHARDT Hygiene Monitoring System® (OHMS) was installed for the research programme in a cardio-surgical intensive care unit of the university hospital in Aachen. The study was split into four phases, each lasting 6 weeks.

Within the first two phases 19 hand disinfectant dispensers registered all activations. Weekly evaluations of the dispenser data and feed-back to hospital staff were provided. During the third stage, a further 19 intelligent dispensers were installed on the ward and data collection and feedback continued. To examine lasting effects to hand hygiene a final post-intervention phase followed.

The research data provided a clear answer: The introduction of Wi-Fi compatible disinfectant dispensers in combination, with corresponding intervention measures, leads to a significant improvement in hand hygiene quality and compliance. The average amount of disinfectant used per hand hygiene activity increased during the research period from averaging 1.69 ml in the initial stages to 2.66 ml disinfectant per hand hygiene activity in the post intervention period – almost reaching the 3 ml mark recommended by the Robert Koch-Institute.

Learn more about other studies in context of electronic hand hygiene monitoring.

Source: Scheithauer S, et al. Do WiFi-based hand hygiene dispenser systems increase hand hygiene Compliance? American Journal of Infection Control (2018)


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