Plastics in OPHARDT Plastics play a crucial role in the design and functionality of OPHARDT’S products, from durable dispensing systems to single-use...
OPHARDT’s Plastics Use and Sustainability Breakthroughs

Plastics in OPHARDT Plastics play a crucial role in the design and functionality of OPHARDT’S products, from durable dispensing systems to single-use...
A team of scientists working on an innovative project was honoured at the 31st International Conference on Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and...
The Department of Hospital Hygiene at Marburg University Hospital is conducting a comprehensive study on digital hand hygiene together with OPHARDT...
“Why is sharing knowledge about hand hygiene still so important?”. This is the official slogan of World Hand Hygiene Day 2024, which will be celebrated as always on May 5. 2024 marks the 15th anniversary of World Hand Hygiene Day. In...
When purchasing soap and hand sanitizer dispensers, hygiene managers and others often ask how they should be operated. In addition to the “classic” manual operation, for example via an arm lever, so-called touchless dispensers are...
The renowned Erasmus University Medical Center investigated the influence of a visual feedback system on the rubbing time for hygienic hand disinfection in a neonatal ward. Touchless hand disinfectant dispensers from OPHARDT were central in this...
OPHARDT Hygiene has been awarded the renowned BSFZ seal for its comprehensive work in research and development. Recently, OPHARDT Hygiene surpassed the milestone of having 500 registered patents. This achievement highlights the outstanding focus on...
For the first time, the World Health Organization (WHO) has published an agenda for research priorities in the field of medical hand hygiene until 2030. To coincide with World Hand Hygiene Day, the WHO published an important document in early May...
How has hand hygiene behaviours changed during the COVID-19 pandemic? A study sponsored by European Tissue Symposium took a close look at this very issue. They found that people are indeed washing their hands more frequently, are concerned about the...
Arguably the best-known hospital germ, MRSA continues to pose major challenges to healthcare systems worldwide and is a particular risk in immunodeficiency settings. A recent study looked at MRSA in nursing homes for the elderly. Thanks in part to...
Workloads in hospitals have been rising, to the detriment of hand hygiene, researchers find.
A large-scale study shows that just one in six necessary hand disinfection is carried out in long-term care facilities and nursing homes. In Germany alone, more than four million people are considered to be in need of long-term care, of whom about...
Next to western shore of Lake Ontario, in a region known for both its manufacturing and farming, OPHARDT Hygiene’s Canadian headquarters houses teams that design, engineer, and produce custom products for companies around the world. It is here that...