A team of scientists working on an innovative project was honoured at the 31st International Conference on Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (MIXDES): The real-time detection of pathogens during hand disinfection. Three leading researchers from OPHARDT Hygiene are also involved in the project.

Every year at the renowned MIXDES conference, outstanding contributions from the research fields of microelectronics, sensor technology and the like are honoured with the Best Paper Award. At this year’s 31st conference, which took place on 27 and 28 June in Gdansk, Poland, a group of nine researchers received the award for the best scientific paper. The multinational team consists of Dr Siegfried Steltenkamp, Dr Julie Claudinon and Sofia Disegna, three scientists from OPHARDT Hygiene.
Detect pathogens during hand disinfection
The research work focuses on the development of a dispenser system that enables pathogens to be recognised within a few seconds during hand disinfection and can therefore interrupt chains of infection at an early stage. In addition to OPHARDT Hygiene, the University of Freiburg, the company Sciospec Scientific Instruments GmbH from Bennewitz and the University of Strasbourg in France are also involved in the project. The research project, which is coordinated by OPHARDT Hygiene, is called GeDeSens and is financially supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF, FK 16ES0747).

Consortium leader Dr Siegfried Steltenkamp is delighted to have received the ‘Best Paper’ award: ‘We are delighted to have received the award in Gdansk and are once again encouraged in our ambitious project plans.’ The recently received award confirms the innovative nature of the project and the collaboration achieved so far between scientists from industry and research institutions.
Publication with OPHARDT research team:
Perronno, Paul, et al. „Real-time Detection of Pathogens in Hydroalcoholic Solutions during Hand Disinfection Process” MIXDES conference (2024)