Nestled in the heart of an industrial zone in the Niederrhein village of Issum, lies a 1,200 m² wild meadow. Until 2020, the space was regularly mown and occasionally used as a space to play sports. Today the area is teeming with rare species of plants and insects and plays an important role in the broader ecosystem.
Project beginnings
As a volunteer with Germany’s renowned conservation group (NABU) in his spare time, OPHARDT’s Samuel Houcken was aware of the impacts land use change has had on native bird species across Germany. Set between a parking lot and a road in the middle of an industrial area, the field seemed like a natural place to provide a habitat link for surrounding animals, including migrating birds. Beginning in 2020, Samuel led a group of OPHARDT employees in a project to transition the space into a wild meadow. The team first let the field grow fallow, using grazing sheep as a minimally invasive method to maintain the field.
Together with the support of NABU’s Hermann-Josef Windeln, Samuel conducted a study to characterize the space, including identifying soil type and a species inventory. It turns out that the meadow is characterized by its nutrient-poor soil, which supports a rare set of plant species. With minimal intervention, this now thriving meadow is home to several rare species of plants and insects and is a refuge for the broader ecosystem.
The Importance of Nutrient-Poor Meadows in Industrial Areas
Once vibrant with wildflowers and buzzing with life, many meadows in the Lower Rhine region have been overtaken by monocultures and frequently mown grasslands that offer little refuge for wildlife and rare plants. Yet, preserving natural havens within industrial spaces presents both a challenge and an opportunity. Nutrient-poor meadows, thriving on sandy, nutrient-scarce soils, offer a perfect sanctuary for plants and animals that thrive in tough conditions.
The Treasures of the Meadow
Since 2020, the meadow has been surveyed extensively, uncovering hidden gems. Among the documented plants are Greater Knapweed (Centaurea scabiosa), Creeping Cinquefoil (Potentilla reptans), Viper’s Bugloss (Echium vulgare), Speedwell (Veronica), St. John’s Wort (Hypericum sp.), Orange Hawkweed (Pilosella aurantiaca), and Storksbill (Erodium sp.), just to name a few. This diversity forms the basis of an ecosystem alive with insects and other creatures.
Insect species documented on site include the Small Copper (Lycaena phlaeas), Common Blue (Polyommatus icarus), and Small Heath Butterfly (Coenonympha pamphilus), as well as the Red-Tailed Sand Bee (Andrena fulva), and several species of bumblebees. A particularly stunning discovery was the Brown Argus (Aricia agestis), a butterfly species listed as endangered in the Lower Rhine region (Red List 3, 2020) and near-threatened in North Rhine-Westphalia.
It’s not just insects that call this meadow home. Birds such as the Green Woodpecker (Picus viridis), Common Redstart (Phoenicurus phoenicurus), and European Goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis) are commonly found using the area. Mammals like the European Hare (Lepus europaeus) and Hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) make their homes in the shelter of the meadow’s grasses.
Sheep Grazing Instead of Mowing
What truly sets this meadow apart is its maintenance method: no mowers in sight. Instead, a herd of sheep grazes the land each summer and autumn. This natural process not only adds layers of diversity to the meadow’s structure but also helps scatter seeds and reduce soil nutrients, ensuring that the meadow remains true to its wild character for generations to come.
Education and Nature Experience
Beyond its ecological wonders, the wild meadow serves as a living classroom. This year, students from the local primary school, Brothers Grimm School, ventured into the meadow for a project day. The students were able to connect with nature and learn firsthand about the importance of preserving wild spaces.

Nutrient-poor meadows are living proof that conservation efforts, no matter how small, can create lasting change. They remind us that even in areas shaped by industry, nature can thrive. To see the beauty of this unique meadow for yourself, explore the photos online by searching “Magerwiese OPHARDT Galerie” or by scanning the QR code.