The dental practice ZP Niederrhein supports infection prevention for patients and staff at its two locations with the implementation of PRAESIDIO® sanitizer dispensers in its entrance areas.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), thorough hand hygiene is the most important individual measure to effectively prevent the spread of infections. [1] In healthcare facilities, infection prevention is especially critical. In addition to hospitals and clinics, all medical practices must implement an appropriate hygiene infrastructure to address infection prevention – including hand hygiene opportunities for staff, as well as for patients upon entering the facility. Implementing provisions for patients and visitors in hand hygiene infrastructure is not only useful in times of COVID-19 and seasonal flu – hand hygiene also protects the patient and others from a range of additional infection-causing pathogens.
Don’t make hand hygiene like pulling teeth

The dental practice ZP Niederrhein exemplifies just how easy it can be to involve patients in infection prevention. At its two locations in Meerbusch and Issum-Sevelen, in the Niederrhein region of German, the dental facility is taking its hygiene management to a new level to protect its staff and visitors against germs. Two prominently placed PRAESIDIO® sanitizer dispensers welcome patients at the entrance to the practice. The touchless dispensers feature a high-quality, intuitive and hygienic design, making them easy to use, even for inexperienced users. Hands are placed into the spacious spray chamber where sanitizer is dispensed automatically though sensor-controlled technology. Staff and visitors alike are encouraged to disinfect their hands when entering and leaving the facility.
“The plus points of the PRAESIDIO® are definitely the attractive design and the high-quality workmanship.”
Dr. Adyani-Fard, MD
The PRAESIDIO® dispensers conform to current hand hygiene recommendations of the Robert Koch Institute, as it is designed to accept hand disinfectants from different manufacturers. [2] The open Euro-bottle format offers maximum supply security for infection prevention, especially in times of supply bottlenecks.
“It is an advantage that the dispenser is touchless in operation. The patient has no contact with the surfaces.
Dr. Adyani-Fard, MD
The PRAESIDIO® was first introduced in the dental practice in Sevelen-Issum. Positive experiences and feedback from the first installation resulted in a second installation in the Meerbusch facility shortly afterwards. Thanks to the patented spray pump, potential aerosols during disinfection are reduced to an absolute minimum, without sacrificing sanitizer coverage over the hands.
ZP Niederrhein already uses additional dispensers in other areas of the dental practice that are also manufacturer independent, increasing supply security and supporting staff in disinfecting their hands before patient contact. All in all, the two dental offices have proved to be in the best possible position in terms of hand hygiene.
[1] World Health Organization. WHO guidelines on hand hygiene in health care: first global patient safety challenge clean care is safer care. World Health Organization, 2009.
[2] Kommission für Krankenhaushygiene und Infektionsprävention beim Robert Koch-Insitut “Händehygiene in Einrichtungen des Gesundheitswesens.” Bundesgesundheitsblatt-Gesundheitsforschung-Gesundheitsschutz 9 (2016): 1189.